Happy Monday friends! I know what you're thinking... "who the heck is this random person popping up out of nowhere?" Trust me, I had almost forgotten how to use this thing it's been so long. But I got the chance to check out the 30th anniversary celebration at one of my favorite Disney parks so I just had to share it with you!...
Happy Wednesday loves! Florida is finally getting it's taste of back to back days of winter. In fact, we've been below 70 for 4 days in a row now and I think this is the first time that's happened since last winter. I definitely feel slightly bad for the people coming here on vacation expecting sunshine and warm weather because it just isn't...
Guys. Can we talk about this top for a second? I've gotten so many compliments on this top and I have a secret. It's not even a top. It's actually a dress! I've worn it as a dress a few times but it was chillier out and I really wanted to wear it so I threw it on with some jeans and tied...
Happy Wednesday babes! How are we already into the second week of 2019? Blows my mind. Not that I'm complaining. I've been beyond ready for 2019 to start. Nothing great has happened... yet, but then again, it is only the second week, right? One of the things I'm hoping will happen in 2019 is a vacation. Can you believe it's been almost 365...
Happy almost 2019 loves! I don't know about anyone else but I am BEYOND ready to see 2018 be over. 2018 has not been the greatest year so I'm ready for a fresh start. I'll be spending NYE in a pretty non-eventful fashion but you know what? I'm ok with it. If I'm awake to see the ball drop tonight, I'll be happy....